Comparing the Japanese Design Mind and the Global Design Mind / by Takeshi Fukui


Japanese culture has been consisting of the geopolitical feature leads to four beautiful distinguish seasons and lots of unpredictable natural disasters. Under the circumstances, it is important to respect 協調性 (Kyouchousei = the corporate mind) and もののあわれ (Mononoaware = the sense of pathos). Plus, after the World War Ⅱ, Japan has been engaging the Western Industry and mixed with its culture which is called 和魂洋才 (Wakonyousai = Japanese spirit with Western learning).

Besides, the Japanese craftsman spirit made of 侘び寂び (Wabi-Sabi = it expresses a way of being quietly clear, calm & having well seasoned, refined simplicity.), 茶道 (Sadou = the tea ceremony), ハレとケ (Haretoke = sacred and secular) and 陰翳 (Inei = Shadow).

Accordingly, the current sophisticated design products are created by these cultural backgrounds; in particular, they are strongly keen on pursuing the detail of products, such as an automobile, a camera and a robot meanwhile it is slightly difficult to invent the products that make the new era like an iPhone.


Take Italian Design, for example, they also respect the craftsman spirit, yet they especially do not like an imitation and respect the individuality and the Genius principle that it seems like each design are quite remarkable and unique.

The Example of World Product Designs with Depending on the National Characteristics

The Example of World Product Designs with Depending on the National Characteristics


  • The four seasons and natural disaster have an influence on Japanese culture resulted from the cooperative mind, the sense of pathos and Japanese spirit with Western learning.
  • The types of design mind brought about relay on the cultural national background.

  • Japanese design keen on pursuing the detail of the products; however, other country designs tend to pursue more originality and uniqueness.